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Component are leaf-level elements, which may or may not have a value associated with them. This value can be manipulated by user on the frontend and is passed back to the backroad script to further decide the control flow of the program. Every time a value is changed, a re-run of the script is generally executed with the new values, causing the frontend to be re-rendered in turn with any changes.

Components cannot have any further level of nesting inside them, and mark the end of the backroad app tree structure. Each Component is a child of some backroad container.

Some examples of in-built backroad components are numberInput,textInput,json,fileUpload, etc. While components like numberInput have a useful associated value to them, components like json do not and are used purely for presentational purposes on the frontend.

The interface for a backroad component is as follows:

export type BackroadComponent<
  Type extends InbuiltComponentTypes,
  ValuePopulated extends boolean = false
> = {
  args: ComponentPropsMapping[Type]["args"];
  type: Type;
  path: string;
  id: string;
} & (ValuePopulated extends true
  ? {
      value: ComponentPropsMapping[Type]["value"];
  : {});